About me

Hi, my name is
Kalliu Brasil

28 years old | Brazilian | Senior Software Engineer

🥁 First of all, I am a passionate musician, pet lover (cat dad), Geovanna's life partner and always a positive person.
This photo you see is from my beloved geek music project, Museek, where I wear the hats of drummer, producer, manager and sometimes singer. We've reached over 4 million plays on Spotify with 54k+ monthly listeners and I am really proud of it!
🧑🏻‍💻 In 2019, as a Software Engineer, I focused on Front End development, combining my design expertise with data-driven insights to craft robust web applications with a clear User Experience (UX). With my skills in Amazon Web Services (AWS), I now focus on creating end-to-end web applications that ensure high availability.
💬 Those who have worked with me value my excellent communication skills and the way I energize the work environment, as well as my ability to inject solid ideas and innovative concepts into every project.